Pet Sounds: More, More, More

By Michael DeMartin
Alan Dean sent me this link to a very cool webpage by noted author Jim Fusilli, who writes for The Wall Street Journal, among other publications. Jim also has a book about Pet Sounds from his page, which of course, I'll now have to buy. Here's an excerpt from the webpage. To read the whole thing, click on the title of this post and you'll be taken there...
I arrived in the green room at the Javits Center in New York, the panel's site, to find the 62-year-old Wilson sitting in a corner with his eyes closed, hands folded on his chest. Rather than disturb him, I conferred with one of his managers who assured me he was up for the event and could handle any question. The only caveat: I was to sit to his left so I could whisper in his good ear, if I had to. (Wilson is deaf in his right ear, the result, it's said, of a blow from his father he received when he was two years old.) Moments later, as the manager prepared him for the event, I noticed she kept referred to me as "the big guy." "Listen to the big guy, Brian," she said repeatedly, referencing my waistline, not my height. When I gently asked her to stop, she said, "OK, but he'll never remember your name." ...